What does 1/8 of a tank mean and how long will it last? For those of you that use a COD company or a full service company and are on Will Call, do you know how much oil is actually in your tank and how long it will last. A frequent problem that arises with COD and Will Callers is running out of fuel or having to keep track of their fuel use. While for some this isn't an issue at all, for others running out of fuel and having to frantically call around to get fuel is a big problem. So how can this be avoided? The best way is to familiarize yourself with your tank. First is to understand how much oil is in your tank, luckily there is a gauge on the top of the tank that shows you how oil is in the tank. There are variants to this but for the most part they all look like the image below. While some look different than this they all show the amount of Oil in the tank in variables of fourths or eighths. An oil tank if filled from top to bottom will hold 275...