How do you get your Home Heating Oil and/or Propane For many homeowners life seems to get busier and busier without there ever being anymore time in the day. While at the same token some of us have a large amount of time and enjoy convenience. Other like to manage all aspects of their life. There are two types of home heating oil delivery that cater to these types of people. Will Call, this is for those who like to be in control of everything or just simply like to know exactly when they will be getting an oil delivery. Many people who use will call for delivery try to plan out when to order oil in relationship with the market. While this can certainly work sometimes, for the most part trying to predict the market is unreliable. Take a look at the market over the last two years, you'll see prices ranging from $4+ to $2+ to below $2. From November of 2014 to February of 2015 to March of 2015 there were steep price decreases, then a sudden price increase due the col...